The Power of Having A Shine Tribe

You know what’s more powerful than one woman? A group of women who band together. There is strength in numbers and this holds true for groups of any kind – especially groups of women on a mission. With 2022 opening the door for new beginnings, new habits and allowing new relationships to form, Shine Your Bright wanted to put a spotlight on the importance of having a female support group and what being a part of a tribe really means (to us, at least.) 

We’ve identified these top four reasons why you should consider joining a female support group in 2022:

  1. Unconditional Love & Support

  2. Unbiased opinion

  3. Relatable advice

  4. Connections & paying it forward

  • Unconditional Love & Support

Women get it.  We all experience similar cycles of life relating to our ages, hormones and generally what it means to be a girl.  Having a group of females that can relate on a different level than in a professional setting or surrounded by a group of men, allows one to uncover a more vulnerable side of her situation and thus allows more growth and healing to take place. 

  • Unbiased Opinions

Sometimes it’s easier to keep our troubles, tribulations and concerns to ourselves because we simply don’t want to share our dirty laundry with the world.  But, when it comes to having a group of women who are not your immediate friend group, you have the freedom to speak openly and candidly about a topic or relationship that may be bothering you deep down.  This type of group does not have a “dog in the fight” and you can receive support from women who have probably been there before too. 

  • Relatable Wisdom 

Piggy-backing off the last bullet point of being able to receive unbiased opinions in a female support group, the ability to receive relatable advice from someone who got to hear and understand your specific situation is powerful.  We can go through and read countless numbers of self-help books or even discuss our troubles with a therapist but when you have a group of women who are listening and loving you unconditionally, you have a wider audience of experience to provide insight and actionable feedback and wisdom relating to YOUR life or situation.  You can  discuss with real people  your issue at hand. 

  • Connections & Paying it Forward 

In the ever changing world of technology and the increasing popularity of video group calls, the doors for connecting to people and women all over the world has become more accepted and accessible.  We have the opportunity to meet, connect and form a tribe with people all over the world!  It is truly amazing and powerful; everyone needs to be taking advantage of it.  When we connect with people who live, work and thrive in a variety of different environments, we not only gain new perspectives, we gain new friends in new places too!  How fun is that?  We also can benefit from the power of networking and extending our expertise to someone who is outside of our immediate community. Creating a community of love and trust within a support group of females is something we must not take lightly as it can be our foundation for inner peace.  Remember this in your everyday actions: how you can pay it forward to help and support one another for absolutely no personal gain other than knowing the feeling is mutual and reciprocated. 

Cheers to our Shine Tribe and growing this community of strong, beautiful souls to help one another Shine Our absolute Brightest in 2022!  If you are looking for a female support group to join, reach out to us.  We are in the process of putting together the 1st Shine Retreat and would love to invite you to join our Shine Tribe, in person. 

Kristi Frank